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extension education中文是什么意思

用"extension education"造句"extension education"怎么读"extension education" in a sentence


  • 校外教育
  • 延伸教育


  • The bachelor program of extension education
  • Police extension education is one of the essential ways to improve the whole quality of policemen in china
  • The lack of guidance , teaching mode and teaching administration affects the improvement of teaching quality in police extension education
  • At present time , the college is constituted of the department of life sciences ( bachelor , master and ph . d . program ) , institute of molecular biology ( master and ph . d . program ) , institute of biochemistry ( master and ph . d . program ) , institute of biomedical sciences ( master program and ph . d . program ) and an extension education program offering master degree in life sciences by the college
    本院现有生命科学系(学士班、硕士班、博士班) 、分子生物学研究所(硕士班、博士班) 、生物化学研究所(硕士班、博士班) 、生物医学研究所(硕士班、博士班) 、以及生命科学硕士在职专班。
用"extension education"造句  
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